What is H.I.I.T?
H.I.I.T stands for High Intensity Interval Training, which is a series of simple short exercises with breaks in between.
One of the key advantages of doing regular H.I.I.T sessions is that you get maximum health benefits in minimal time. Our classes are usually around 30-40 minutes (+warm up and cool down stretching time).
Here’s seven great benefits of HIgh Intensity Interval Training:
HIIT can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time.
Your Metabolic Rate is higher for hours afterward exercise.
It can help you lose fat.
You might gain muscle when doing certain kinds of HIIT
HIIT can improve oxygen consumption.
It can reduce heart rate and blood pressure.
Blood sugar can be reduced by HIIT.
Currently there is a class at 6:30pm every Monday (In Boscos Hall - next to the church)
The class is 45 minutes including warm up and cool down stretches and is £5.00 per session (first session FREE)