Toddle Tots
For 0-5s and their parents/carers
Welcome to Toddle Tots, a new toddler group run from Boscos hall on Wednesday mornings during term time from 9:30am until 11:00am.
We have two rooms set up with lots of different toys and resources. The larger room has a home corner, comfy sofas, a craft table, book area and block play whilst the smaller hall has a baby area and small world setup.
We also use an outside patio area with ride ons, tough tray activities and bubbles.
Aromatic coffee and different types of tea are served from the kitchen with high quality biscuits for all.
We all tidy up together at 10:45am and finish with singing time.
We are currently running a booking system to make sure that we are not too crowded and the team send out an email every Friday afternoon to book for the following Wednesday.
If you would like any more information please contact us here